We always welcome applications from skilled, motivated and team-oriented people for Master, PhD and Postdoctoral positions. If you are interested in joining one of the teams of the Neurophy lab, please send your application to Serge, Alban, Patricia, Patrick or Jean-Marie.
To apply, please send your CV, reference information, and a brief cover letter with your research background, interests and goals to our PIs.
Information on Belgian Postdoctoral funding:
Apply to FNRS 3-year funding
FNRS annual call deadline: mid-January.
If you are already an MS or MD student at ULB interested in our lab and willing to start a PhD, feel free to contact us about a visit or rotation during your MS. If you are from another Institution/University, you can apply to be a graduate student in the lab through the UNI PhD program and directly contact our PIs for more information.
Information on Belgian PhD funding:
Apply to FNRS & FRIA 4-year funding. More info here
FNRS annual call deadline: mid-February.
FRIA annual call deadline: mid-August.
Apply to the UNI PhD programme: More info here
Annual call deadline: February
If you are a ULB student or undergraduate at another institution and you are interested in getting involved in research, please get in touch.