Congratulations to the new FRIA PhD fellows
Congratulations to Rania Tribak and Audrius Januškevičius on being awarded the FRIA PhD fellowship!
Congratulations to Rania Tribak and Audrius Januškevičius on being awarded the FRIA PhD fellowship!
Striatal projection neurons coexpressing dopamine D1 and D2 receptors modulate the motor function of D1- and D2-SPNs https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-024-01694-4
Congratulations to Patrick Laurent (PDR and Equipement EQP) and Patricia Bonnavion (CDR and Audacious Medical Grant Neuro – FNRS) on their successful grant applications in
Congratulations to Clémentine Deleuze, Aleksandra Nawrocka, and Antonieta Espejel Grageda on being awarded the FRIA PhD fellowship!
Published in Nature Communication, our study unveils a novel mechanism involving the gene Maged1, which surprisingly operates outside the anticipated reward circuit, within the paraventricular
The respective activation and silencing of striatal direct and indirect pathway neurons support behavior encoding. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-40677-0
Balance Between Projecting Neuronal Populations of the Nucleus Accumbens Controls Social Behavior in Mice. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.05.008
Our study reports the key role played by NAc D1R/D2R-SPN balance of activity in controlling social behavior and evidences the promises of pharmacological compounds developed
We have identified a novel cocaine-induced epigenetic mechanism in the thalamus relevant to cocaine use disorders in humans. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.11.16.516716v1
Welcome! to Aleksandra, Antonieta, the new PhD students in the lab. And also, Fares and Sébastien, the new postdoctoral fellows.
At the origin of many discoveries, the nematode C. elegans has forged a solid reputation as a genetic model organism. Its use as a pharmacological
Our work highlights a complementary encoding of behaviors in the two striatal pathways that supports an updated model, reconciling previous conflicting conclusions on motor encoding
Congratulations to Alban de Kerchove d’Exaerde for the awarded WELBIO+CDR+EQP+PDR FNRS research grants!
Unexpected inhibition of motor function by dopamine activation of D1/D2 co-expressing striatal neurons. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.04.05.487163 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.04.05.487163v1
Welcome to Teresa and Miguel, the new PhD students in the lab, and congratulations for the the awarded FRIA doctoral grant!!
Lab Director: Serge Schiffmann
Lab Manager: Fabienne Reisen
Phone: +32 2 555 42 30
Laboratory of Neurophysiology, CP601 Bldg C, Room 3.134
ULB Campus Erasme,
808, Route de Lennik,
1070, Brussels, Belgium
Lab Director: Serge Schiffmann
Lab Manager: Fabienne Reisen
Phone: +32 2 555 42 30
Laboratory of Neurophysiology, CP601
Bldg C, Room 3.134
ULB Campus Erasme,
808, Route de Lennik,
1070, Brussels, Belgium